Real Customer Testimonials

As as locally owned and operated small business, our reputation and word of mouth is our life blood. Since 1978, Island Motors has been providing quality repairs and maintenance and most importantly, quality service. Here are a few examples of real customer feedback sent to us or posted on Yelp...

Will definitely bring our vehicles here again if we have car problems!

We were on Spring Break and discovered on the way down that our A/C wasn’t working. I called and spoke to Robert and brought my car in first thing on a Wednesday morning. I explained if there was any way possible to have a diagnosis by 10 am, we had a reservation to go kayaking....
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Highly recommended!

Have moved 5 or 6 times and every time I do, the finding of a good mechanic is one of my top concerns. Having moved here two years ago, I first tried the guy who was close. Then I tried the guy who was big. Then I found Island Motors on Hilton Head’s south end...
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Highly recommend Island Motors for any auto service needs!

Highly recommend Island Motors for any auto service needs. We were in HHI from Ohio for a week on family vacation and brakes went out on 2009 Honda Pilot. Based on some earlier Yelp reviews and proximity to our rental I took car here and within 5 minutes my car was on the lift and being looked at to provide me with an estimate...
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Robert and Island Motors totally lived up to their 5 star reviews!

Robert and Island Motors totally lived up to their 5 star reviews. My Kia Rondo (not a common model) A/C broke on Thurs. before our trip to HHI after a shop back home claimed to fix it. After getting to HHI did some research and liked what I read about Robert’s shop...
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